Refined and Fly

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Peace! I tried to post this yesterday but the Internet was trippin. Anywho, my good brother Born Shamir posted a nice piece on Valentine's day and his humorous perspective. You can find him on You won't be disappointed...

peace matter what your background, this one is for u...this actually came from a msg in response to do I celebrate valentines day and this is what i wrote, then i thought everyone needs to taste this follow me and ask any questions you seem fit and I will hit u back if the need is there.I dont mean to ruin your fun. However I build to destroy.

Because of your roman catholic background, it may seem logical to go along with traditions. I don't really jive with the vatican and the council of Nice or their twistory of jesus's history or biblical history in its entirety. I can't support the origins of african slave traders and kings and queens of conquest of the world in the name of a symbol Constantine had a dream about or the symbol that is a device that was used to cruxify political tyrants or My righteous brother jesus (ISA). So really for the conscious minds that would be insane. for those who respect history objectively, that would be bugged out. Rome was filled with theives of the arts and sciences, just like greece was. Everything Rome did was based on the bumrush. Troy. Gladiators...America is based in Roman overtones...check the coins and monetary system...monuments...justice system (I could stop right there and segway) and Even folowing a calander which is inaccurate...the Pope Gregorian Calander. Anthony Browder and the Browder files are some good references to check out in regards to that.

So it seems hypocritical (another roman/latin term) to align my behavior with the customs of folk who destroy historically. The history of Valentines day and Juno (Queen of all the Gods and Goddesses, I mean like that is even a trip how you gonna be Goddess of all the Gods and Godesses??) I love Mythology Roman and Greek, Egyptian, for which all that other stuff is based on (Egypt is African, I mean you might have know or not known that), but gee whiz...Ok so the Feb 14th is in commemoration of her being goddess of woman and marriage. But then all of the pagan celebrations which are at the root of most holidays (major) on the Gregorian Calander have some kind of Roman origin....I am not Roman, I am not of European Decent, I am not ignorant of each family of the planets contributions, and that , the holidays in the name of mythogical or fake ficticious character is not the move in this day and time and especially not for the Original man and woman.

I say lets be universal. But lets be logical and aware of what we are doing. If you know the history and trail of events and still choose to go along with it, that is an educated (um maybe not so educated) decision. I get the story of St. Valentine marrying folks when he was ordered not to by Claudis the II. It was war time and he had his reasons for not advocating it. And Valentine was like f that and did it anyway and lost his head , literally because of it. So he is a hero and the name of the holiday bears his name. However you got Eros or cupid, hearts, candy, Chocolate, Sex, images of the supposed devil, RED, blood, hearts as symbols of heart dont look like that. Mine is a big ol muscle and so is yours :)

And Lupercalia...the big ol feast in Feburary... nah...i reject that and try to educate myself more on why such methods are still intact when we are not in ROME or in EUROPE...answer...this is an environment based in those origins though the ppl of those areas didnt discover it, but did make the ppl here suffer and even brought more of the original diaspora to make it for them. I can't possibly side with that. Thats my stance..The Buffalo stance,..haAAnswer $$$$ dolla dolla bill.

The 85% falls victim to the 10%'s trickery and get rich from their labor. And there stupidity too. I did it but I went from 85% to a 5% who dont believe or adhere to those teaching because they are false and destructive to the well being and a slap in the face to all the glorious history that took place in a less elusive, much less devilish way.Why keep lying to out kids, Easter bunnys, Santa clauses, tooth faries, boogie monsters, Cupids arrows. I have been told its fun, its for the kids ...its lying and that is not cool at all. Then you make it ok to lie and after making children fooled for their childhood to only break the news to them that it was you the whole time...and it is only tradition, what really does that say?

There are explanations for all things...we must re route our thinking and reprogram. If this information age bring us nothing but closer to that reprograming for the positive, then this age in 2000 more years way afte babylon falls again, will have proved to be exactly what it was suppose to be. Websters dictionary changes defintions year to year. And love is not and emotion or feeling....that would be infactuation or lust or liking or something like that. How I see love...I will have to break it down in another message. It deserves its own book. Emotions are swift and changable and doesnt was here before us, brought us here and will exist when we are gone...not just tommorrow. Take that.:)


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

THE WAYS OF WATER (I posted this yesterday in another forum)

Peace to all the human families! Today's mathematics is power. This morning, I reflected upon the power degree in the 1:40, and within that, specifically, "How much is water?...139,685,000 square miles of water." Adding the numbers up borns POWER! We, as Black women are symbolic to wisdom, and one of the things wisdom represents is water, which can be very powerful depending on the force of the current and its' contents. Water can assist growth and development, providing a nurturing presence, it can eliminate toxins like a cleanser, or it can come with such a force that it destroys and clears everything in its' path. It is a primary characteristic of our planet that makes it a life sustainer. As Black women in this culture, part of our power lies in our ability to communicate our knowledge effectively, being a physical manifestation that reflects as the moon and absorbs as the earth and we do this with the fluidity of our wisdom and being glowing examples.

Our wisdom is perhaps the first step in mathematics where you apply what you have learned to yourself first, then others. Different currents may have to be utilized at different times, but like water, the wisdom is what carries the information to the next step. As Earths, we all have to analyze the contents of our water. Is it toxic? Is it clean? Is it spring water or distilled water packaged in a plastic container? Are there creatures lurking beneath that you have never seen or heard of? Is it saline or freshwater? What are the sources of your water? Where does it come from?

What are the emotional undercurrents that underly how you see the world?

One thing that we must remember is that on our planet, there are many forms of water, containing different components and within each of these forms of water are various categories and types. All of this exists on our planet! The following is a list of seven forms of water and some info. about each. So do the knowledge and see where the water takes you...


A pond is typically a man made body of water smaller than a lake. Scientifically, a pond is any man made body of water where light is found in the entire body of water. In origin, pond is a variant form of the word pound, meaning a confining enclosure. A pond is characterized as being a small body of water that is shallow enough for sunlight to reach the bottom, permitting the growth of rooted plants at its deepest point. There are various regional names for naturally occurring ponds.

Pond usually describes small bodies of water, generally smaller than one would require a boat to cross. Another definition is that a pond is a body of water where even its deepest areas are reached by sunlight or where a human can walk across the entire body of water without being submerged. Typically, a pond has no surface outflow draining off water Hence, because of the closed environment of ponds, such small bodies of water normally develop self contained eco-systems. Ponds in heavily vegetated areas also display the formation of "scum", which is a common term for dead and decaying vegetation condensing on top of the water. A contributor to this is the presence of algae, which multiply quickly in a nutrient-rich eutrophic pond exposed to strong daylight. Decaying flora provide significant amounts of such nutrients.


A stream, brook, beck, burn or creek, is a body of water with a detectable current, confined within a bed and banks. Stream is also an umbrella term used in the scientific community for all flowing natural waters, regardless of size. There are 14 parts to a stream listed at .

RIVER (which is a type of stream)

A river is a natural waterway that conveys water, derived from either precipitation or glacial meltwater, from higher ground to lower ground. Most commonly rivers flow on the surface but there are many examples of underground rivers where the flow is contained within chambers, caves or caverns. In some areas of highly variable rainfall, some rivers exist that carry water only occasionally and may be dry for several years at a time. Rivers have been used by man since the dawn of civilization as a source of water, for food, for transport as defences, as a source of power to drive machinery and as a means of disposing of waste.

The world's ten longest rivers
It is difficult to measure the length of a river, the more precise the measurement, the longer the river will seem. Also, it is difficult to determine where a river begins or ends, as very often, upstream rivers are formed by seasonal streams, swamps, or changing lakes.

These are average measurements.

Nile (6,690 km)
Amazon (6,452 km)
Mississippi-Missouri (6,270 km)[1]
Yangtze (6,245 km)[2]
Yenisey-Angara (5,550 km)
Huang He (Yellow) (5,464 km)
Ob-Irtysh (5,410 km)
Amur (4,410 km)
Congo (4,380 km)
Lena (4,260 km)


A lake is a body of water or other liquid of considerable size contained on a body of land. A vast majority of lakes on Earth are fresh water, and most lie in the Northern Hemisphere at higher latitudes. In ecology the environment of a lake is referred to as lacustrine. Large lakes are occasionally referred to as "inland seas" and small seas are occasionally referred to as lakes. Most lakes have a natural outflow in the form of a river or stream, but some do not, and lose water solely by evaporation and/or underground seepage. They are termed endorheic lakes (see below).The term lake is also used to describe a feature such as Lake Eyre, which is a dry basin most of the time but may become filled under seasonal conditions of heavy rainfall. Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for hydro-electric power supply, recreational purposes, industrial use, agricultural use, or domestic water supply. There are at least 11 types of lakes and some are millions of years old.


A bay is an area of water bordered by land on three sides. It is a body of water partially enclosed by land but with a wide mouth, affording access to the sea:


A sea is a large expanse of saline water connected with an ocean, or a large, usually saline, lake that lacks a natural outlet such as the Caspian Sea and the Dead Sea. Check out for a list of seas and the oceans they flow in to (keyword: sea)


Oceans are saline waters (water with dissolved salt content) that cover almost three quarters (71%) of the surface of the Earth. The area of the oceans is 361 million sq. km (about 139million sq mi)., and nearly half of the world's marine waters are over 3,000 meters (9,800 ft) deep. The average salinity of the Earth's oceans is around 35 parts per thousand (ppt), and nearly all seawater falls in the range of 31 to 38 ppt. The vast abyssal plains of the deep ocean cover about 40% of the Earth's surface. Geologically, an ocean is an area of oceanic crust covered by water. Oceanic crust is the thin layer of solidified volcanic basalt that covers the Earth's mantle where there are no continents.

Though somewhat arbitrarily divided into several "separate" oceans, these oceans are in fact one global, interconnected body of salt water, often called the World Ocean. The major divisions are defined in part by the continents and a variety of archipelagos, and are labeled the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. There are also some smaller bodies of salt water that are not interconnected with the World Ocean (e.g., the Caspian Sea, the Great Salt Lake). These are not considered to be oceans or parts of oceans, though some of them have been given the name, sea.


I Medina Peaceful Earth